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Universal Greetings with Respect,

It would be a travesty of justice to approach the subject of At-Risk Youth without addressing how people of color are affected since the largest number of At-Risk Youth are of color. Three primary areas of concern are:

1.Our higher rate of incarceration, from juvenile to state penitentiaries, compared to our white counterparts.

2.Our limited access to affordable and quality health care.

3.The lack of appropriate pay for qualified ...

respect, at risk youths, problem teens, marcus gentry,

Article Body:
Universal Greetings with Respect,

It would be a travesty of justice to approach the subject of At-Risk Youth without addressing how people of color are affected since the largest number of At-Risk Youth are of color. Three primary areas of concern are:

1.Our higher rate of incarceration, from juvenile to state penitentiaries, compared to our white counterparts.

2.Our limited access to affordable and quality health care.

3.The lack of appropriate pay for qualified teachers to work in economically deprived areas with our at-risk youth--the “shadow kids.”

I am aware that it is impossible for a single person to speak to all of the opinions, experiences and ideologies of a race of people however, is my desire to express as much as I am able based upon my exposure.

As a Black man living in America it is obvious that I (We) are attending way too many funerals of our youth. Yet there is a greater number of youth who are physically alive according to medical sources, but to those of us who know them, we know that they are dying--spiritually, intellectually and emotionally due to the infestation of negativity and mis-education. We have some of the most physically overweight and unhealthy people in some of the most economically deprived communities (“When you control a man’s thinking you don’t have to control his actions.”--Carter Woodson) and those numbers are growing exponentially.

As a member of the group known as African Americans, we are a very resilient people with unlimited potential who possess a rich culture. We exist on the shoulders of giants such as Shaka Zulu, Marcus Garvey, Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hamer, Martin Luther King Jr., El Hajj Malik Shabazz and multitudes more whose names we don’t know and whose history we have not studied, excluding minimal discussions which are condoned during the so-called Black History month.

However, in spite of all things considered, many fighters for our at-risk youth become co-opted and silenced by the need to keep insurance, pay mortgages, car notes, win friends and influence people. It is not popular to be race-specific in our empowerment and teaching methods, although the disproportion in our detention centers, alternative schools and among at-risk youth is, race-specific. In attempts to be politically correct, all inclusive and non-offensive, we have watered downed, generalized and broad-brushed our approach to where the core of the message, if still present at all, is having little effect.

We have developed individual wealth and collective poverty. We have spread throughout the Diaspora and become disconnected in our own homes. In communities of color, the definition of success has been too often defined by material possessions over quality of life; excessive alcohol consumption under the illusion of living the good life; a pervasion of music in our community that denigrates our women and causes our sense of brotherhood among males to be degenerated into a hatred of self and kind. Then we, as adults, award and reward the musical artist with top ratings, air play, movie deals and unsupervised time with our children, in the name of freedom. The results of this mentality are displayed in the local newspapers, evening news and our local funeral homes.

The good news is although this is not an easy task we, as individuals and as a nation, have overcome monumental challenges in our past and present when our cause was more critical than the consequences that we would face. The result is that many one time at-risk youth have turned out successful in spite of all the challenges.

We must work to close the generational divide. Effective education must include the parents or whoever are their caregivers. What harvester would complain of the fruit without ever giving attention to the tree? Also we don’t have to be a part of an organization to get started moving towards adjusting the mindset (even though that helps). We can begin in our homes, in our classrooms, and within our own circle of influence. We need a paradigm shift. Of course this has to first begin with us.

All we need are three things:

1)A sincere desire to change the current situation. (Of course you have to realize that whatever effects one of us directly affects us all indirectly.)

2)The willingness to make a plan and follow it. (This cannot be a quick fix, microwave or sprint-like approach. This is a slow-cooker, a marathon, a lifetime change.) And,

3)The willingness to put in the required work. (It ain’t over till it’s over!)

“The Way of R.E.S.P.E.C.T.” encourages and promotes an approach of:

•Remembering your ancestors, to close the gap between generations.

•Elevating your understanding of yourself, your students and the challenges that both face.

•Staying Strong and Staying Ready--physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually.

•Pursuing your dreams with passion (finding what matters not just what works).

•Encouraging each other; creating a support system.

•Creating opportunities for success instead of waiting for opportunities to knock at the door.

•Then teaching others what you know. It becomes stronger the more you share it.

For my brothers and sisters of color and all those who work with children and families of color, I share this quote from Marcus Garvey: “Others have had the advantage of organization for centuries, so what seems to them unnecessary, from a racial point of view, becomes necessary to us, who have had to labor all along under the disadvantage of being scattered without a racial aim or purpose.”

“Until lions tell their tale, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”
African Proverb

A cheap used car guide containing tips to buy cheap used car, used car guide, used car market figures, used car buying advice, used car benefits. Resources on cheap used cars.

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Article Body:
Are you looking for buying used car? But confused in lots of question than do not worry you can find number of online sites which offers you complete guide to buying and selling used cars. Where you can learn who to get a best deals, sell for the highest prices, watch for scams and tricks, calculate payments, get advice on insurance and warranties, find out about used-car leasing, get safety and reliability data, and learn how to select the best used cars to meet your needs.

Many people who need a new car are stretched for extra money. Some turn to expensive loans or some other way but there are easier ways that often get overlooked. Check online sites where you can find cheap used car for your convenient.

Today Internet is a vast marketplace for buying and selling automobiles. Which find out some of the best places to search for used cars online and to get prices are Cars Direct , Autobytel , Auto web , and Auto Trader.

Directly buying from automobile dealer can be risky as many Used-car dealers want to sell you the cars they have on their lot, not the car you actually want. They can make it appear on their showroom that they have thousands of used cars, including just the one you want, but, in fact, they only have a few. It's plain old smoke and mirrors.

You will see that used car prices change from day to day it’s due to the change in the prices of new car that affect used car prices. Since the size of your used car payment depends on a combination of price, how much you can pay down, the length of the loan, and the annual interest rate, you need a special loan calculator to tell you what your monthly payments will be.

Anna Josephs is a freelance journalist having experience of many years writing articles and news releases on various topics such as pet health, automobile and social issues. She also has great interest in poetry and paintings, hence she likes to write on these subjects as well. Currently writing for this website Best Cheap Used Car. For more details please contact at

Sports cars are fascinating vehicles. Their features make them stand out among other car types. But there still is competition among sports cars. It is fascinating to talk about these sports cars and why they stand out above their contemporaries.

Here are some of the 2006 vehicles that made the list of best sports car and the qualities that made them above average.

- Audi A3 2.0T

This car goes beyond the beauty of its exterior. Car enthusiasts appreciate the car's responsiveness and agility.

Audi A3 2.0T comes with an intercooled, turbo charged engine with 2.0 liter capacity and 16 valves. The car promises to deliver power up to 197 mph at 5100 rpm.

Other features include a six speed manual transmission, front-wheel type of driveline, 101.5 in. wheelbase and curb weight of 3300 - 3350 lbs.

- Chevrolet Corvette

The car's V-8 engine (7.0 liter) with 16 valves allows for greater speed, and because the car is lighter than regular cars, the Chevrolet Corvette is capable of accelerating up to 125 mph in 12 seconds within one-fourth of a mile.

The car's braking system is impressive. The car's reflex is also astounding.

The car comes with the following specifications: rear-wheel type of driveline, and curb weight within 3100 - 3300 lbs.

-Honda Accord

The car comes with its fresh look: revised interiors, rear and front styling, and better sound-minimizing capability.

Honda Accord still boasts of its qualities such as high value for resale, excellent construction and reliability.

V6 Accords are equipped with a new stable system and improved suspension.

This car also has the following specifications: front- wheel type of driveline, 3100 to 3600 lbs. curb weight, up to 107.9 in. wheelbase and 5 or 6 speed manual transmission.

- Porsche Boxster

The Porsche Boxster speaks well about its balance. Pair this quality with an increase in power delivered by its 24-valve DOHC engine with 2.7 liters capacity.

The braking system is as remarkable as is the car's over-all aggressive appeal.

Other features of the car include:

A rear-wheel type of driveline, 95.1 in. wheelbase, and curb weight within 2900 -3100 lbs.

Truly, sports cars did evolve and they will continue to evolve as long as there is competition. Car enthusiasts can expect more remarkable features in sports cars as years go by.

When you are planning your Disneyland vacation,
you should note that some days are better than,
others at the park. The days that you choose to be
there will depend greatly on whether you are more
interested in attractions or entertainment – or both.

For instance, Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and
Thursday’s are the days when you will have shorter l
ines for the attractions, because there will be fewer
people there. On the other hand, the entertainment
on those nights cannot compare to the entertainment
that is offered on the weekends. If entertainment is
important, plan your visit to Disneyland for the

If you will be at Disneyland for several days, however,
plan to ride the attractions on Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday, and then enjoy the entertainment, as
well as the other things the park has to offer on the
other days. If you are visiting during the off-season,
you should note that entertainment usually isn’t
offered on weekdays. Also remember that the park
really fills up as the day wears on, so try to ride the
attractions in the morning if possible!

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